What is my machine’s health score?

https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.freshdesk.com/data/helpdesk/attachments/production/47006198464/original/3Epriftzc-YltbKMytPeYv1rKn5BAGbmyQ.png?1576432684 Detailed health scores are only available for licensed machines

Health checks

Health scores are calculated using sensors and aggregated data per machine. This health score is based on three categories: maintenance, running conditions, and machine conditions (coming soon). For each category, our big data team runs daily health checks per machine. Such checks test whether the sensor data of your machine is within parameters or if it shows alarming patterns. Failed health checks indicate that your machine health is suffering. The health checks can have the following results:

  • Pass 
  • Fail
  • Not available (N/A) due to bad data quality


Machines without a license only have maintenance health checks. For advanced checks, your machine has to be licensed. You can get a detailed overview of machine-specific health checks.


Machine health score

Based on the number if checks passed, we calculate a score. The score is the percentage of checks passed compared to the number of checks. For example, if your machine passes five out of ten maintenance checks, this results in a maintenance score of 50%. The machine health of licensed machines is indicated as a specific percentage. For unlicensed machines, Smartlink indicates the maintenance health check results with a margin of 20%. This includes service information only.





Unknown: this health check is not available for the machine

0% - 20%

High wear, high energy consumption, very high risk of sudden breakdowns

21% - 40%

High wear, high energy consumption, high risk of sudden breakdowns

41% - 60%

Increased wear, higher energy consumption, risk of sudden breakdowns

61% - 80%

Increased wear, higher energy consumption, a small risk of sudden breakdowns

81% - 100%

Optimal condition 

Site health score

The system shows the health status on site-level using the aggregated data of the health scores on the machine-level. This indicates the overall health of your site, per category. For quick insights, your site’s overall health is indicated using a five-star rating:





Due to lack of data, we are unable to calculate the risk of sudden breakdowns


Your machine is in very bad health, there is a very high risk of sudden breakdowns


Your machine is in bad health, there is a high risk of sudden breakdowns


Your machine’s health is weak, there is a risk of sudden breakdowns


Your machine’s health is not bad, there is a small risk of sudden breakdowns


Your machine’s health is good, there are no serious health issues


* Supported machine types

  • Compressor
  • Dryer
  • Vacuum Machine
  • Energy Recovery
  • Gas Generator